Sunday, May 19, 2019

career entrepreneurship 2019

Education Home Tuition is one of our main business online which is we provide an education teacher to teach all the students who would like to register our official website in internet. As we know people will keep searching online an usually they using Google to find something. So, we as a team create something different business which is easy to let people know and do some innovative it.So, we're create website from which is free and i didn't apply for any planing from the

This is me! I am a Co-Founder of Education Home Tuition. My name is Nur Elyana Binti Mohd Zainie, 20 years old from Sabah. I am the one who create the Education Home Tuition website from I am still undergraduate student from The National University of Malaysia and taking a course of Economics under Faculty of Economics and Management. Single and available. My hobbies are traveling and watching tv. 

This is my manager of marketing officer. Her name is Fitri Nurmuhajir Binti Isagani. She is the one who will manage the marketing team and how blast our business through media, newspaper, advertising in the television to let people recognise about our business online and especially help our students who does really need their own teacher. She also undergraduate student from The National University of Malaysia taking a same course like me which is Econmics under Faculty of Economics and Management. Her hobbies are eating and playing futsal. 

This is my manager of Finance officer. Her name is Rusnisah Binti Kubra. Her position is manage our finance business and really need to take attention about it. It is because all statements ups and down of our business, finance officer is really important. She knows about our profit, installment, capital and so on. And she's the one who know that we can continue our business or not. She also undergraduate student from The National University of Malaysia and taking course of Economics under Faculty of Economics and Management. Her hobbies are eating and singing. 

This is my general manager 1. Her name is Nurul Assyiqin. I forgot her last name (sorry). Her position is to manage our appointment to our client which is from student and parents. She is a leader of making decision which is our client (students) who wants a tutor to teach them. she is the only one can manage which one tutor that supposedly teach the students and make some appointment towards to the tutor. any require or request from our client, she will be consider for another reasons. she prefer to called her as kina. She's also undergraduate student from The National University of Malaysia and taking course of Economics under Faculty of Economics and Management. Her hobby is love to watching k-drama forever. 

This is my general manager 2. Her name is Sinaidah Binti Abduh. Her position is to help her friend which is Nurul Assyiqin to making decisions. Besides, her role as general manager 2 is to preparing location, transportation, classes and so on to get ready for another appointment with the tutor and our client(student). She is one of the busiest manager because she need to know all stuff must be perfect and a very good timing. Focus on that day and make sure everything is going to be fine. She also undergraduate student from The National University of Malaysia and taking course of Economics too same like us at Faculty of Economics and Management. Her hobbies are shopping and eating. 

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